The Lower Rhine is a region with a rich history and cultural
heritage. We would like to mention some of them.
Archaeological Park Xanten
Welcome to the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten on the site of the
ancient Roman city of Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Germany´s biggest
archaeological open-air museum invites you to an inspiring trip
into history.
Roman City
The new LVR-RömerMuseum in the APX is a unique combination of
an archaeological protective building and modern museum
architecture. Roman master builders created monumental
buildings. The unique architecture of the LVR-RömerMuseum
provides a direct impression of their spectacular impact. It reflects
the dimensions of the Roman Basilica Thermarum, the entrance
hall of Roman baths, both inside and outside.
Museum Kurhaus Kleve
The museum "Kurhaus Kleve" is located on its beautiful Kurallee with famous villas and gardens. It comes from the
bloom of the Kurstadt "Bad Cleve" and was built in 1845 - 1846. It is nearby the Amphitheatre of the 17.Century.
Museum Schloß Moyland
The Museum Schloss Moyland is a museum for modern and contemporary art as well as an international research
centre on Joseph Beuys. The Museum's collection builds on the former private collection of the brothers van der
Grinten and is preserved and displayed in the historic castle and park complex. It is also the site of the Joseph
Beuys Archive and the museum library. With its diverse exhibition, events and education programme as well as the
historic castle complex within the spacious garden, the Museum is an attraction of international importance.